KB Communications AB SAMPLES

A very cost-effective way of getting editorial coverage, and thereby reaching the market, is to supply high quality material to the trade media. The editors are always keen to be updated as they are eager to report about news in the trade.

I have managed to get numerous articles published in major trade magazines that covers rental, construction and mining, both international and domestic ones. I have a well-established network with publishers. Among other things, I have arranged with site visits where an editor has been able to interview staff onsite.

Below are four articles that made a big impact. Some are also available as case studies.

Svensk Rental tidning

Article in the Swedish trade magazine
‘Svensk Rental Tidning’ in Oct 2009, about the emptying of the locks in Lilla Edet, Sweden.

I did the interviews onsite, took photos and wrote the article myself.

The article as PDF
(Swedish text)
Link to case study (PDF)

International Construction

International Construction reported about Wassaras drilling in the Citybanan project in Stockholm, Jan 2014.

The article was written after an editor visited the site herself.
I arranged with the interviews and photographing.

The article as PDF
Link to case study (PDF)

International Mining reported about Wassaras Drilling Technology Center,
Feb 2014.

The article was written after the editor's personal visit.
I arranged with the interviews and photographing.

The article as PDF

Article in the Swedish trade magazine
‘Svensk Rental Tidning’ , May 2021. I wrote about the development in the industry for submersible dewatering pumps.

After spending 10 years in this industry, finding the right people to interview was quite easy.

Link to PDF (Swedish text)
KB Communications AB SAMPLES